Restoring an SQL database
LiveVault is able to protect Microsoft SQL databases continuously, significantly reducing the vulnerability of business data throughout the day. LiveVault strongly recommends that customers use the LiveVault service to protect their SQL database(s) and transaction logs, but not the database backups. This is because LiveVault is able to protect the database itself extremely efficiently, moving only byte- level changes as they occur.
An SQL backup policy is required in order to backup SQL database files. See knowledge article, KB0011112, Creating an SQL backup policy. To restore Microsoft SQL Server databases that were backed up with a SQL backup policy, you must create and run an SQL restore policy.
This article describes how to restore Microsoft SQL Server databases that were previously backed up with an SQL backup policy. The article is mainly in two parts:
If restoring an SQL 2005 database with full-text catalogues, then a short additional procedure, Additional procedure if restoring an SQL 2005 database with full-text catalogues, must be completed.
Please read the notes in the first part before attempting to restore a Microsoft SQL policy.
Before commencing this task, it is assumed that the reader has access to the LiveVault portal with appropriate access permissions.
Master database restore considerations
If you include the Master database in your restore policy, then note the following considerations:
- In the Windows Services manager on the LiveVault Agent, you must stop the associated SQL Server instance service or the restore will fail. The only exception is if you are copying the master database as a normal user database under a new name. In that scenario, leave the instance running.
- You must manually attach any databases you created after LiveVault backed up the server.
- You must reapply any user login changes you made after LiveVault backed up the server.
- You may restore other databases at the same time you are restoring the master, but if they did not exist at the time the backup was created then you must manually attach them.
- When you restore the master database to a clustered server, bring the SQL Server resource offline before submitting the restore.
Restoring a Microsoft SQL policy
To restore a Microsoft SQL policy, proceed as follows.
- Access the LiveVault portal. See knowledge article, KB0010991, Accessing and navigating the LiveVault portal, if you require further information.
- In the LiveVault portal, left hand navigation pane, locate and then click on the computer containing the SQL policy to restore.
- Select the Restore tab.
The Restore page opens.
- Click, New Restore.
The Restore Wizard opens.
- In the Restore Wizard, select one of the following delivery options:
- Restore data over the Internet,
Select the Internet restore delivery option only if you know that you have sufficient bandwidth and the connection stability to restore your data.
- Have Media Device Shipped to you.
Depending on the amount of data you have to restore, if you request a device before 10 a.m., it can ship as early as the next business day. Restores larger than 100 GB can ship on the second business day (Mon-Fri). Restores larger than 500 GB can ship the second or third business day. Typically you pay a fee for a Media Device restore.
- Click Next.
If you selected, Have Media Device Shipped to you, then the Restore Wizard Shipping Information page opens, requesting the address for shipment of the appliance. When the restore device arrives, you attach it to your network. You can then restore the backed-up files.
The Restore Wizard page opens.
- Select SQL Server.
- Click Next.
The Restore Selection page opens.
- In the, Name to use for this restore request text box, type a name for the restore job.
- From the Policy filter list, select the policy that you want to restore.
- From the Version calendar, select the backup version from which you want to restore the databases. The most recent version is selected by default.
- Browse and select the Microsoft SQL objects from the object view of your SQL Server's backed up file structure.
- To select restore options, click the Options tab.
The Restore Options page opens.
- From the Restore Format options, select SQL Restore, and then select one of the following:
- Restore database files to their original location. Select this option to restore the databases to their original location. If the databases no longer exist, this restores them. If they do exist, this will overwrite them.
- Restore a database copy with a new name. To use this option, you can select only one database per policy. If you select multiple databases, you cannot use this option.
To restore a database copy with a new name, then:
- Type a directory path to the new location where you want to restore the database.
- Type a new name for the database. This name cannot be the same as any existing database in that SQL Server instance.
- Click Next.
The Restore Confirmation page opens.
- Review the restore configuration, and select Disable SQL Backup Policies to disable backup during the restore procedure.
In order to protect your data, you must resume backup when you are finished with the restore.
- Click Next.
The restore request is submitted and begins at the scheduled time.
Additional procedure if restoring an SQL 2005 database with full-text catalogues
When restoring an SQL 2005 database with full-text catalogues, you must rebuild the catalogues after the restore.
To rebuild the catalogues proceed as follows.
- In SQL Management Studio, right-click the catalogues, and select Rebuild.
- Expand the storage folder.
- Right-click the catalogue.
- Select Rebuild.
- Click Yes, to delete the full-text catalogue and rebuild it.
The catalogue successfully rebuilds.