Clearing LiveVault catalogues

The LiveVault catalogue files hold information required to determine when, what and how to backup data. Occasionally these files may become corrupted, causing LiveVault backup failure. In this case, it is necessary to clear the files, and have new files installed. LiveVault will automatically install new catalogue files when it detects that the old ones have been removed.

The process to clear the LiveVault catalogues involves stopping the LiveVault backup service, clearing the catalogues, then restarting the LiveVault backup service. This article describes the process.

To clear the LiveVault catalogue(s), proceed as follows.

  1. Stop the LiveVault backup service:
    1. Click Start, or press the Windows Start key, then select Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Services.
    2. Select LiveVault Backup Service.
    3. Select Stop the service.

The Backup Service stops.

For Linux users, to stop the LiveVault backup service, run the following command: /etc/init.d/lvbackup stop.

  1. Browse to the LiveVault Data folder, X\LiveVaultData, (where, by default, X\ is the biggest drive).
  2. Delete all files inside the following folders:
  • catalogue
  • database
  • deltaStore
  • scratch (Do not delete the folders inside scratch, just the files).
  1. Start the LiveVault backup service:
    1. Click Start, or press the Windows Start key, then select Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Services.
    2. Select LiveVault Backup Service.
    3. Select Start the service.

The Backup Service starts.

For Linux users, to start the LiveVault backup service, run the following command: /etc/init.d/lvbackup start.

Immediately after clearing the catalogue files, the LiveVault portal may still show an error. This error should clear when the status at the LiveVault portal catches up with the status at the agent. This may take several hours, depending on when the next backup is due to start.

The first backup following the clearing of catalogue files is likely to take a little longer than usual, as new catalogue files will be generated and installed.