Datto Workplace - Restoring backed up files

Files or folders previously backed up on Datto Workplace (or on Cloud Direct : ABC) may be restored if required. The Restore action copies a file or folder from Datto Workplace back to your computer.

To restore a previously backed up file (or folder), proceed as follows.

  1. Log in to your Workplace Online portal, by right-clicking on the Datto Workplace system tray icon, and selecting Workplace Online from the menu.

Your Workplace Online portal opens on the Dashboard tab.

  1. Click the Projects tab

The Projects page opens.

  1. Open the Project folder containing the backed-up file you wish to restore.

  1. Locate the file that you would like to restore, and tick the associated checkbox.

A menu appears next to the selected folder or file.

  1. Click Download, to open a sub-menu, and then click Restore.

A message appears asking which device you would like to restore the file to. If you only have one device then only one will be listed.

  1. Click the CONTINUE button.

A message appears, asking for a location on the selected device, for the restored file.

The file will not automatically restore to its original location. You must select a restore location.

  1. Select one of the three available options:
    1. Use Desktop folder - Places the restored file on your Desktop
    2. Use default restore folder (location identified) - Places the restored file in your default restore folder
    3. Browse for a different directory - If this option is selected, a browsing tool opens:

Use the browsing tool to select a location on your computer for the restored file.

  1. Click the START RESTORE button.

The following message appears, confirming your file is being restored.

You may view progress of your restore action by selecting the VIEW RESTORE PROGRESS button. A window opens, showing restore progress.

Alternatively, if you don't wish to see progress, click the CLOSE button.

Your previously backed up file is restored, and may now be found in the location you specified in Step 7 above.