Selecting a CommPilot Express profile for automated Voicemail response

This article is intended for Users of Cloud Direct's VoIP telephone network. It describes how to select a CommPilot Express profile that enables an automated response to an incoming call, depending on your situation.

There are four different work modes or "profiles" that you can configure to control your inbound calls automatically.


Suggested use

Available – In Office

When you are at your desk and in normal work mode.


When you cannot be disturbed, but don't want to miss an important call.

Available – Out of Office

When you step out, or are traveling on business.


During holidays or outside business hours.

Each of these profiles is previously configured to provide an automated response to an inbound call, as shown below.


Configured response options

Available – In Office

If Busy, or No Answer, then route the call to Voicemail, or to another number.


Route calls to Voicemail, except for named exceptions. Optionally send you an email to indicate call received.

Available – Out of Office

Route the call to Voicemail, or to another number. Optionally send you an email to indicate call received.


Route calls to Voicemail, except for named exceptions. Respond to caller with No Answer Greeting, or with Unavailable Greeting.

The required CommPilot Express profile is selected using the Voice Portal, which can be accessed from any phone. The Voice Portal allows you to manage your Voice Mailbox, change your Voicemail Passcode, and set other related features. 

Please refer to KB0010578, Using the Voice Portal for more information on how to use the Voice Portal, including how to set up a Voicemail, Busy or No Answer greeting.

Before using the Voice Portal features, the Voice Portal must be configured and enabled from the VoIP Business Portal. The following articles show how to configure and enable the Voice Portal from the Business Portal; one is intended for administrators, and one for users. 
     KB0010574, Configuring the Voice Portal (administrators) 
     KB0010575, Configuring the Voice Portal (users)


Accessing the Voice Portal

To access the Voice Portal menu, proceed as follows.

  1. Dial *62 from your phone handset.
  2. When prompted, enter your passcode, followed by #.

If you do not know your passcode, then please contact your IT Manager, or contact the Cloud Direct Technical Services Team on 0800 368 1831, or at

You are presented with the Voice Messaging Menu options.


Changing your CommPilot Express profile

From the Voice Messaging Menu, proceed as follows to change your CommPilot Express profile.

  1. Press * to access the Voice Portal Main Menu.
  2. In the Voice Portal Main Menu, press 2 to access your CommPilot Express profile.
  3. In the CommPilot Express profile, activate the required profile to respond to incoming calls by pressing the appropriate number on your phone's keypad.
    1. For your Available in Office profile, press 1.
    2. For your Available Out of Office profile, press 2.
    3. For your Busy profile, press 3.
    4. For your Unavailable profile, press 4.
    5. To have No profile active, press 5.
  4. Press * to return to the Voice Portal Main Menu.
  5. Replace your phone handset.

Your new CommPilot Express profile is now active for inbound calls.