Provide Documents Module
The new Provide Documents module can be found under the Account menu, and allows you to share important files securely with Cloud Direct. The key features include:
- New user role to view all documents
- New user role to upload files to a dedicated Uploads folder
- Individual files/folders are shareable with any Provide users
- Files shared by Cloud Direct are grouped by service or project
- Download shared files directly from Provide
- Search for shared documents across all folders
This article is a quick start guide for successfully using the Documents module in Provide.
Key Features
Document User Roles
There are two roles to control who can view and upload any files on your account.
- The Documents Admin role allows a user to upload documents to share with Cloud Direct, as well as granting access to all files within the Documents module.
- The Documents User role grants access to all files within the Documents module.
As with all Provide user roles, any users with the Global Admin role will be granted these roles automatically.
If a Provide user does not have either of these roles, they will only have access to files which have been explicitly shared with them.
Uploading Files
Users with the Documents Admin role are able to upload files to Provide to share with Cloud Direct. Uploaded files will automatically be added to your Uploads folder with details of the date/time and user who uploaded the file.
Simply click the 'Upload Files' button and select any file/s you wish to share with Cloud Direct. There will be an on screen confirmation of the upload, and the files will be listed in your Uploads folder.
Please note that files can only be deleted by the upload user for up to 5 minutes after upload. If you need to delete files shared with Cloud Direct beyond this limit, please raise a ticket.
Sharing Files
Any folder or file in the Documents module can be shared with other Provide users, regardless of their user roles. Sharing can be initiated by users on your account or by Cloud Direct employees, and is offered automatically after any file upload.
By default, sharing files/folders sends an email with details of the shared files/folder and a direct link to the folder they live in to the selected users. The shared files themselves are not included in the email notification for security reasons.
To share an individual file/folder, simply click on the '…' actions button and select the 'Share' button. To share multiple files/folders, select them using the checkbox and then click the 'Share' icon at the top right of the table. In both cases a new window will open where you can select from a list of Provide users to share the items with before clicking 'Confirm'.
Finding Files
All files shared with you by Cloud Direct are grouped by Managed Services or Projects in templated folders, and all files uploaded by you are added to your Uploads folder.
To find files there are a number of options:
- Navigate through the folder structure
- Follow a direct link to a folder or file, as found in the email sent during the sharing process
- Use the search function, which will include a clickable file path in the results
Downloading Files
Any file that a user has access to can be downloaded directly from Provide.
Once you have found the file you wish to download simply click on the '…' actions button and select the 'Download' button. To download multiple files, select them using the checkbox and then click the 'Download' icon at the top right of the table. The files will then download through your browser.