6 ways to enhance your day with Microsoft Teams


91% of the Fortune 100 use Microsoft Teams to get more done during the 9 to 5. We decided to look at the top reasons why!

But first a quick introduction for those of you who aren’t familiar with Teams. It’s Microsoft’s ‘one-stop-shop’ for your business’ communication and collaboration needs. It’s a unified communications (UC) platform that efficiently combines your workplace chat, video meetings, file storage and application integration.


1. Organise your team

Every project and sub-groups can instantly breed another email chain, call notes and host of meetings, which can get messy fast. When files, emails and calls are all happening on different platforms and being saved in different places, things can quickly become unmanageable.

Microsoft Teams can be used as a centralised hub for all project information. You can simply incorporate creating a Microsoft Teams channel as part of the project kick-off, allowing your team to have the latest updates, messages, files, calls and tasks on one centralised location.


2. Access whenever, wherever

As flexible and remote working becomes the new norm, 87% of businesses are dependent on their employees’ ability to access mobile business apps from their smartphone. Whether you’re working from the office, at home or even your local coffee shop, you’ll need the ability to access your business-critical applications.

Microsoft Teams has a mobile app that will keep you connected from anywhere. You’ll have the ability to communicate, share and collaborate on files and join conference calls. All from your smartphone. No matter where you are. Helping you stay connected with your team on the go.


3. Stay in the know

Gone are the days where you sat next to the same people 9 to 5, 7 days a week. With 50% of the UK workforce to be working remotely in 2020, it can be challenging for employees to still communicate effectively.

But Teams can help you keep communication and collaboration channels clear. Whether you’re wanting to call someone, set up a video conference with your team or send a quick instant message, you’ll have clear visibility to see who’s online and available for a chat. Microsoft Teams provides you with the communication tools you need all in one place.


4. Vital information recall

It can be difficult to recall what you discussed in a meeting a few days ago – let alone weeks ago. As a project progresses, you’ll have more files, conversations and meetings building up in your Teams channel. Making it difficult for you to find the information you need from last month’s call. But fear not. Teams allows you to not only store all your data but also search for it with ease. Meaning no more scrolling through email chains to find a conversation you had 7 weeks ago.


5. Collaborate in real-time

Thanks to cloud technology, the days of sending document edits back and forth over email are gone. Microsoft Teams provides your business with the opportunity to share your documents and collaborate live with colleagues. Allowing you to edit, review and comment any document in real-time. Anyone that has access to the document will be able to watch you make changes as you work together. Meaning you’ll be able to collaborate in real-time. No matter where you are.


6. Focus on what matters

If you’re creating a channel for every project you’re working on, then Teams can get busy quite quickly. Which is why it’s important you can focus on what truly matters.

Not every message or file that gets sent in your channel will be relevant for you. And Microsoft Teams allows you to filter out that noise. You can simply filter by personal mentions or responses to your message in the activity feed.



Talk to an expert

Whether you’re looking to find out more about Teams or are ready to start a full Teams migration, our Modern Workplace experts are here to help. So, what are you waiting for? Get in contact to discover how you can harness the power of Microsoft Teams.



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