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Getting AI Ready

Adopting AI can seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. The secret to successfully implementing AI is putting the right foundations in place.

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Getting AI Ready

Adopting AI can seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. The secret to successfully implementing AI is putting the right foundations in place.

Find out how


The Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF Framework) is a collection of documentation, implementation guidance, best practices, and tools that are proven guidance from Microsoft designed to accelerate your cloud adoption journey. There are six stages to the CAF framework, and each stage has been crafted to help you accelerate your cloud adoption journey. Think of the CAF framework as your guide to making the most of your Azure investment.

It’s important to note that the CAF framework isn’t just for businesses that are new to the cloud, it can be used by businesses at any stage of their cloud journey. And we’re here to help you understand how you can start using it.

What are the six stages of the Cloud Adoption Framework?

  1. Strategy
    Start by understanding your business objectives to identify how Azure can support them. Microsoft has created a Cloud Journey Tracker to help identify the adoption path suited for your business.
  2. Plan
    Start aligning your people, processes, and technology to map out your cloud adoption plan. This is where you rationalize your current estate using the 5 R’s of application modernisation.
  3. Ready
    This is where you prepare your environment using the Azure Setup Guide created by Microsoft. Once you’re all prepared it’s time to deploy your landing zone – a basic building block of any migration.
  4. Adopt
    The adopt stage is split out into two parts – migrate and innovate. You can simply migrate your on-premises environment to the cloud. This is used when your workloads don’t warrant investment. Or you can innovate where you take advantage of cloud-native technologies to modernise your digital state using DevOps.
  5. Govern
    Create benchmarks and implement a governance minimum variable product to stay on track. Working with an Azure Expert MSP can help you govern your environment, helping you maintain your progress.
  6. Manage
    Monitor your environment through data collection and alerts. Manage it to ensure your following best practices to track your performance. And make sure you’ve created a resilient platform that can recover from any issues.


The Beginners Guide to the Cloud Adoption Framework

Want to find out more about the Cloud Adoption Framework? We’ve put together a comprehensive Beginners Guide to the Cloud Adoption Framework, to help you understand in more detail what you should be doing, things you should be considering and resources you should be utilising at each stage. Want to find out more? Read a copy of our guide today – written by our very own Azure Experts.

Migrating your application to Azure will unlock new markets and revenue opportunities for your business. By having a SaaS application you will have the capabilities to help your business achieve fearless growth. Having your application in Azure allows you to build, market and sell your solutions efficiently. And we’re here to show you exactly how.

Having the ability to build things quicker enables you to streamline operations and therefore have the ability to sell more. Here’s what this could look like for your application.

Sell more than ever

That’s right. Migrating your application into Azure will enable you to reach millions of new customers. Your application being in the cloud will become more accessible and appealing to new markets across the world.

Microsoft has resources and programs available to help accelerate your time to market, demand generation and business growth, – such as the Azure Marketplace. By uploading your application to the Azure Marketplace you’re allowing customers in over 140 countries to start using your app. Enabling you to transform your businesses go-to-market strategy.

Finally, all of that money you’ve saved by moving to the Azure and increasing efficiency no longer needs to be passed onto your customer – making your services more affordable for them. It’s a win-win situation.

Build things quicker

Azure provides you with the building blocks you need to create a powerful application. You’ll be able to reap all the benefits of tools available in Azure, such as Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure DevOps and Azure App Service. Plus Microsoft are investing a huge amount of time and money to developing their application services. Over the past year they’ve added 1000+ capabilities to support your application, including more pre-built and custom AI features. By having access to the latest Azure tools available, you’ll be able to bring functionality to your application that competitors haven’t even thought of yet.

Microsoft and Keystone published a whitepaper on some research they’ve done into ISVs, The Shift to SaaS: A high-value opportunity for ISVs. During this research they discover: “All of the ISVs interviewed explained that the combination of continuous product development methodologies and greater visibility into customer usage through app data collection have led to improved product development cycles, saving up to one-third of the time required for a typical product release.” The Shift to SaaS: A high-value opportunity for ISVs, Keystone, June, 2017

With a cloud-based application there will be no hardware maintenance, allowing your IT team to concentrate on the development of your app. Meaning you’ll be able to keep up with changing markets, trends and competitors – all whilst saving costs.

Streamline your operations

Moving to a cloud-based application will enable your ISV to streamline your operations, which will open your business up to plenty of opportunities.

“ISVs (who switch to SaaS) reported a range of efficiency gains depending on the complexity of the application and the ongoing maintenance responsibilities, with an average of a 26% improvement in engineering efficiency.” The Shift to SaaS: A high-value opportunity for ISVs, Keystone, June, 2017

A SaaS-based model application reduces the time it takes to maintain the infrastructure as Microsoft will do this for you. Passing any infrastructure maintenance onto your provider, enables your IT team to focus on what really matters – improving and updating your application. And what’s best is you will automatically have access to any security and functionality updates – allowing your IT team to have access to the lastest tools available. Your customers will be able to benefit from this too through better functionality and app capabilities.

Microsoft invests over $1 billion every year in cybersecurity to ensure your cloud-based application is secure, so you don’t have to. They provide your ISV with compliance framework that aligns vendors to country specific data management regulations – meaning you don’t have to worry about complex and changing regulations. Microsoft has the resources to help you keep innovating without using up your whole team. Allowing you to excel your application without burning your team out.

Ready to harness the power of Azure?

These are just a few of the benefits your application could see from migrating to Azure. If you want to talk to one of our Azure Experts to find out how you can leverage your application in the cloud, then simply get in touch.


A visual explanation of the strategic 5 R’s of application migration to the cloud: Rehost, Refactor, Rearchitect, Rebuild and Replace.

91% of the Fortune 100 use Microsoft Teams to get more done during the 9 to 5. We decided to look at the top reasons why!

But first a quick introduction for those of you who aren’t familiar with Teams. It’s Microsoft’s ‘one-stop-shop’ for your business’ communication and collaboration needs. It’s a unified communications (UC) platform that efficiently combines your workplace chat, video meetings, file storage and application integration.

1. Organise your team

Every project and sub-groups can instantly breed another email chain, call notes and host of meetings, which can get messy fast. When files, emails and calls are all happening on different platforms and being saved in different places, things can quickly become unmanageable.

Microsoft Teams can be used as a centralised hub for all project information. You can simply incorporate creating a Microsoft Teams channel as part of the project kick-off, allowing your team to have the latest updates, messages, files, calls and tasks on one centralised location.

2. Access whenever, wherever

As flexible and remote working becomes the new norm, 87% of businesses are dependent on their employees’ ability to access mobile business apps from their smartphone. Whether you’re working from the office, at home or even your local coffee shop, you’ll need the ability to access your business-critical applications.

Microsoft Teams has a mobile app that will keep you connected from anywhere. You’ll have the ability to communicate, share and collaborate on files and join conference calls. All from your smartphone. No matter where you are. Helping you stay connected with your team on the go.

3. Stay in the know

Gone are the days where you sat next to the same people 9 to 5, 7 days a week. With 50% of the UK workforce to be working remotely in 2020, it can be challenging for employees to still communicate effectively.

But Teams can help you keep communication and collaboration channels clear. Whether you’re wanting to call someone, set up a video conference with your team or send a quick instant message, you’ll have clear visibility to see who’s online and available for a chat. Microsoft Teams provides you with the communication tools you need all in one place.

4. Vital information recall

It can be difficult to recall what you discussed in a meeting a few days ago – let alone weeks ago. As a project progresses, you’ll have more files, conversations and meetings building up in your Teams channel. Making it difficult for you to find the information you need from last month’s call. But fear not. Teams allows you to not only store all your data but also search for it with ease. Meaning no more scrolling through email chains to find a conversation you had 7 weeks ago.

5. Collaborate in real-time

Thanks to cloud technology, the days of sending document edits back and forth over email are gone. Microsoft Teams provides your business with the opportunity to share your documents and collaborate live with colleagues. Allowing you to edit, review and comment any document in real-time. Anyone that has access to the document will be able to watch you make changes as you work together. Meaning you’ll be able to collaborate in real-time. No matter where you are.

6. Focus on what matters

If you’re creating a channel for every project you’re working on, then Teams can get busy quite quickly. Which is why it’s important you can focus on what truly matters.

Not every message or file that gets sent in your channel will be relevant for you. And Microsoft Teams allows you to filter out that noise. You can simply filter by personal mentions or responses to your message in the activity feed.



Talk to an expert

Whether you’re looking to find out more about Teams or are ready to start a full Teams migration, our Modern Workplace experts are here to help. So, what are you waiting for? Get in contact to discover how you can harness the power of Microsoft Teams.

Plus, if you’re on Skype for Business Online, please be aware that it goes End of Life 31st July 2021. Which means you’ll no longer be able to use it. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide for a smooth Skype for Business to Teams upgrade to help you prepare your business for the employees. If you would need some help moving from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams, then please get in contact with our experts today.

talk to an expert

According to Microsoftcloud computing is the delivery of computing services – including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence – over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources and economies of scale. 



What types of cloud are there? 

There are three key cloud deployment models which depending on your business’s needs will determine what model would best suit you.  

The three types of cloud include:  

  • Private Cloud: A private cloud is a cloud environment that has been exclusively created and owned by a business. You’ll have the option to locate your private cloud in the businesses on-site data centre, or even ask a third-party to host it for you. All private clouds infrastructure and services are managed on a private network.  
  • Public Cloud: On the other hand, public clouds are operated by third-party cloud service providers such as Microsoft AzureThe third-party provider will offer their services e.g. storage over the internet, and management of all your hardware, software and other supporting infrastructure. You’ll have the ability to manage your services through your web browser.  
  • Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid clouds are a perfect combination of public and private clouds that are brought together by technology, allowing your applications and data to be shared between the two. A hybrid cloud environment provides your business with more flexibility and will help optimise your current infrastructure, security and compliance. Meaning you’ll get the best of both worlds.  


What types of cloud services are available?  

The possibilities on the cloud are endless. There are three main cloud computing servicesInfrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). But what are these services and how are they different from each other? 

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the core category of cloud services. IaaS is rented IT infrastructure from a third-party cloud provider. Within your IT infrastructure, you will be able to rent servers, network, storage, virtual machines and more. 
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing service that offers an environment for you to develop, test, deliver and manage your software applications with ease. With PaaS, it has never been easier for developers to create applications without having to worry about the setup of your underlying IaaS, storage, network and databases needed for development. 
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) is a method for delivering your software applications over the internet. This would be offered as an ondemand service on a subscription basis. Your cloud provider will host and manage the software application and infrastructure. They will also take care of any maintenance e.g. software upgrades or any security patching that’s needed. You can connect to the applications over the Internet via your browser on your PC, phone or tablet. 


What can cloud computing be used for? 

The cloud is more powerful than ever, and it’s quickly become a part of our daily lives. It allows you to access data, services, emails and documents from any location on any device. The first cloud computing services are barely a decade old, and businesses across all industries and sizes are embracing the cloud for different reasons. Some of these include:   

  • Ability to create new appsThe cloud provides you with the opportunity to build, deploy and scale applications with ease, whether they’re for web or mobile.  
  • Store and recover dataThe cloud will help you protect your data at a more costeffective price whilst keeping it accessible from any location and device. It will simply transfer your data from the internet to an offsite cloud storage system.  
  • Software as a service (SaaS) allows you to provide customers with your latest software updates no matter where they are.  
  • Test and build applications in the cloud. This will allow you to easily scale your applications up or down using your cloud infrastructure.  
  • Analyse your data across the different teams and locations within the cloud. You can make the most of machine learning and AI in the cloud to help you gain new insights to make smart decisions.   

And the list goes on. The possibilities are endless with the cloud.  


Benefits of cloud computing  

41.9% of UK companies have adopted some form of cloud service. And this percentage is still rising. Why? Because there are many benefits of using cloud computing in an organisation. Here are six reasons why companies like yours are using the cloud.  

  • Cost effective. Cloud computing will eliminate the cost of purchasing hardware, software and running on-site data centres. Moving your IT to the cloud will not only be more efficient but will allow you to save on the costs.  
  • Scalability. Using cloud computing in your organisation will allow your business to achieve fearless growth. You’ll have the ability to scale your business on a global scale by adjusting your resources as and when you need it.  
  • Tightened security. Many cloud providers offer a set of policies that can keep your data, apps and infrastructure from any security threats.  
  • Speed. Most cloud services are provided over the internet as an ondemand selfservice. Resulting in you having the ability to access your resources in a few mouse clicks. 
  • Increased productivity. On-site data centres need a lot of looking after with all the hardware setup and software patching. Cloud computing removes a lot of these tasks, allowing your IT team to focus on achieving your business goals. 
  • Reliability. Data backup, disaster recovery and business continuity are made easier with cloud computing. 

“We’ve taken a big step forward in terms of flexibility with the Microsoft Cloud. Our staff can access our applications from any site or location. Whenever we need to provide access for any other site, the process is seamless.”

Jason Moon, Head of IT, Simarco

What is cloud computing

Cloud providers 

There are plenty of Cloud providers out there. But it’s important you partner up with a provider that’s aligned with your business’s needs. So, are you thinking of migrating to the cloud, but unsure of what cloud provider to go with? Microsoft Azure is one of the biggest cloud providers in the UK and will help your business unlock its full potential. If you would like to discover the power of the cloud, then sign up to one of our Azure Roadshows.  

Cloud Direct was born in the cloud, and we’ve helped over numerous companies migrate to the cloud, so it’s safe to say we know a thing or two. We have a team of cloud experts that can provide you with more information on the cloud.  Simply get in contact today and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly.  


Migrating to the cloud is a big investment, so it’s important you choose the right provider for your business. And really, it comes down to options – Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. Let’s explore these two big players so you can decide which cloud provider best suits your business needs.  


What is Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a set of cloud services that can help your business achieve fearless growth. No matter how big or small your company, Azure can provide you with the freedom to build, manage and deploy apps using your favourite tools and frameworks. Azure offers a range of functionalities including, analytics, storage, computing, networking and more – all of which integrates with your cloud environment to help you achieve fearless growth.  

Benefits of Azure: 


What is AWS? 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has over one million customers and has been around for over 13 years. You’ll have the ability to scale your business through their services, including compute, storage and delivery.  

Benefits of AWS: 

  • It’s one of the longest standing cloud solutions 
  • Easy to use application hosting 
  • Can use Amazon’s identity and security services 


Azure VS AWS: Features 

Azure and AWS have very similar features. However, Azure has some remarkable features that AWS simply doesn’t. These include; Azure Visual Studio Online, Azure Site Recovery, Azure Event Hubs and Azure Scheduler. Microsoft Azure offers a more advanced Hybrid Cloud with its integrated cloud service with multiple deployment options, allowing you to better manage your private and public cloud as one.  

AWS offers a wide range of IaaS solutions, including; Compute, Storage and CDN, Database and Networking. But AWS doesn’t offer as comprehensive hybrid cloud option as Microsoft does.  

Depending on what you’re looking to do in your cloud environment will help determine whether your company would benefit from Azure or AWS. If you decide Azure is the way for you or just want to find out a bit more, then our experts know a thing or two about Azure and will help you identify whether it will provide your business with the cloud environment you’re looking for. 


Azure VS AWS: Global coverage  

Having a cloud provider with a global infrastructure will allow you sustainably scale your business across the world. Now, who doesn’t want that? Azure and AWS both have a global footprint and operates in different regions across the world. But who has the most coverage?

AWS has 66 availability zones within 21 graphic regions and has plans to open in four more regions, including Bahrain, Cape Town, Jakarta and Milan. 

Microsoft Azure infrastructure is in 54 regions and is available in 140 countries, with six more announced. That’s more than any other cloud provider. Azure provides you with the infrastructure you need to take your application to a global scale.  


Azure VS AWS: Deploying Apps  

Cloud computing can make deploying an application a walk in the park. But what cloud provider offers the best tools for deploying your applications?  

Microsoft Azure provides you with the tools you need to not only deploy your app but scale it to your business’s needs. Azure has multiple application deployment options to ensure you have a smooth deployment process, including; cloud services, container service, batch and application services. 

AWS has similar solutions with Lambda, Elastic Beanstalk and container services. However, Amazon does not offer as many application hosting features as Azure.  


Azure VS AWS: Security 

Security is a big concern to many businesses, especially in the cloud. Azure and AWS are two of the biggest cloud providers, and both have the capabilities of making sure your cloud environment is secure. 

Microsoft has created their own version of role-based access control (RBAC) called Azure Directory. RBAC will help you enhance and simplify security as you control users’ permissions. Thanks to Microsoft background on networking, they’ve been able to develop a complex and strong security feature that will allow you to manage users access successfully.  

AWS has also developed its own RBAC, called Identity and Access Management (IAM). It doesn’t have as complex security services as Azure, but it does offer additional services such as GuardDuty and DDoS. 


Azure VS AWS: Pricing   

AWS is five times more expensive than Azure for Windows Server and SQL Server. You could save up to 71% on your Windows Virtual Machines with Azure compared to AWS EC2.  

Here at Cloud Direct, we’ve created our own portal to allow you to monitor your Azure spend and usage called PROVIDE. This will help you get a better understanding of your current and future costs in Azure.  

Both AWS and Azure follow a pay as you go model allowing you to only pay for what you use. With Azure you pay by the hour, whereas with AWS you pay by the minute which is a more precise pricing model.  

The good news is, Azure and AWS both offer a free trial of their services – meaning you can try before you buy.  

Depending on what you’re using the cloud for will determine which provider will be more cost-effective for your business. Our experts are happy to help you understand how much you could save in Azure. 


Azure vs AWS: Partners 

Working with a partner when migrating to the cloud can make a huge difference. A partner can provide added value to your cloud environment. And if you’re looking to make the most of your cloud, then it’s important you’re choosing the provider that has partners to help you have a seamless migration. 

AWS has over 100,000 partners that can help add value to your business. They have partners that specialise by industry, including; government, education, non-profit and more.  

Azure has slightly fewer partners, with a total of 68,000 MSP partners. But it’s all about quality, not quantity – right? Azure has recently launched the Azure Expert MSP programme to ensure you’re getting the best partners for your cloud migration. This is made up of around 35 Azure Expert MSPs around the world. And we’re proud to be one of them.   

azure or AWS


More than 95% of Fortune 500 companies use Azure. Why? Microsoft has over three decades of experience, with over 68,000+ partners and over 90 certifications – the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings any cloud service provider has to offer.  

If you would like to find out how Microsoft Azure could support your business, then please get in touch with one of our experts.

We also hold regular Azure Roadshows across the country. If you would like to discover the power of Azure, then visit our events page to find an Azure Roadshow near you.  


91% of the Fortune 100 use Microsoft Teams, so why not join them?

Back in September 2017, Microsoft announced that Teams will build on the capabilities of Skype for Business. Microsoft Teams will bring together chats, meetings, calling, collaboration, app integration and file storage into one system. Skype for Business is now coming to End of Life on 31st July 2021, so it’s time to plan out how you’ll upgrade to Microsoft Teams. 

To start benefiting from the capabilities of Microsoft Teams immediately, we’ve put together this guide to help ensure you have a smooth migration from Skype for Business to Teams.

Five steps to a seamless Microsoft Teams upgrade

Ensuring a successful transition is not just about changing the technology you use. It’s about changing your behaviour and empowering your employees to become Teams gurus. In this simple five-step guide we will show you how to do just that and seamlessly transition from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams.

1. Spread the word

Before upgrading from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams you need to make everyone aware of the change. The first step to change is getting your stakeholders onboard. Once your stakeholders are excited about Microsoft Teams, it will be easier to engage other employees about the change.

Sending an email announcement is a good starting point. But, why not follow up with an internal webinar to help get everyone on board? This is the perfect opportunity for employees to ask any questions they may have.

2. Prepare your team for Teams

Do you have any Skype for Business advocates in your organisation? They may need a little more persuading than others in adopting Microsoft Teams. Now’s your chance to share the benefits of Microsoft Teams with the rest of your employees.

Reassure them that things are only going to get better. Microsoft Teams has built on Skype for Business capabilities, meaning your employees won’t be missing out on any features they’ve previously been using. Microsoft has improved the way group chats, online meetings and conference calls take place. With Microsoft Teams, it has never been easier for employees to collaborate with Office 365 apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint.

They’ll be able to make their very own modern workplace. With the addition of third-party integrations to increase productivity. You can see a full list of the Microsoft Teams apps and integrations here.

No need to worry about governance in Microsoft Teams. The built-in security features of Office 365 extend to Teams, delivering the advanced security and compliance your business expects.

3. Activate the user upgrade notification

The truth is, everyone forgets things from time to time. Your employees will be busy with their daily duties, so it’s important to keep them updated with the progress of the upgrade. Otherwise, they may forget.

In Skype for Business, you can provide a visual alert to ensure employees are reminded of the upcoming upgrade to Teams. Microsoft has put together a simple guide on how you can enable these upgrade notifications.  

4. Upgrade users to Teams

Today’s the day – your business is ready to upgrade from Skype for business to Microsoft Teams. Everyone’s excited about the new communication and collaboration solution to help them get more done.

Here are the instructions given by Microsoft to upgrade to Microsoft Teams:

In the Microsoft Teams admin centre, activate the upgrade switch by setting the coexistence mode to Teams Only. (In the admin centre, go to Org-wide Settings > Teams Upgrade.) Users will receive a notification in their Skype for Business client that they’ve been upgraded to Teams.

Once you’re all upgraded, Microsoft suggests you send an email to your employees and encourage them to start using Microsoft Teams. Highlighting a key point of contact is vital at this point for employees to ask any questions they have and remind them of any resources available to support the transition from Skype for Business to Teams.

5. Maximise user adoption

Microsoft Teams is in place. Employees have started using it. Now’s your chance to maximise user adoption. We have three suggestions to help you to make the most of your upgrade to Microsoft Teams.

Have a launch event. Why not celebrate your upgrade to Microsoft Teams with a launch event? Whether this is a quick ten minute get together in the meeting room or office lunch, it’s worth getting employees excited about the upgrade. If employees are engaged, they’ll be more willing to fully adopt their new collaboration system.
Understand who’s using what. Teams generate several reports to help you understand who is using the app and how it’s being used. Below is just a small sample  of a few reports that can be generated:


microsoft teams report

Image source:

It’s important to put time aside to analyse these reports, especially in the first few months of upgrading to Teams. Analysing these reports will help you identify any usage gaps for you to try and close and check to see if users are fully adopting their new collaboration tool. Still seeing a skills gap? Our year of complimentary training with Mandarine Academy will educate your employees on the Microsoft Teams features they aren’t yet utilising.

Offering training to your employees will allow them to fully utilise all Teams has to offer. Once they know how to integrate Teams into their work, they will start to reap all the benefits of the collaboration system.

skype for business microsoft teams infographic


Microsoft Teams is on course to become the top business chat app by 2020. So why not stay ahead of the crowd and start using Teams today? Our experts know everything about Microsoft Teams and are waiting to share their knowledge with you. Get in contact with us today to find out how Teams can support your business.   

Find out how Citrix and Microsoft are helping companies move their desktop into the cloud

The modern workforce won’t be tethered to a desk. What’s blocking your business from working anywhere? Check out this infographic to find out how your business can work productively, remotely.

Submit the below form to download your copy of our ‘Work is not where you go, it’s what you do’ infographic.

Want to learn the four critical ways cloud technologies can keep your business mobile AND secure.